April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada


Canada Emerged as Global Leader in CCS

Canada has emerged as a global leader in carbon capture and storage (according to a report by Wood Mackenzie), both in technology development and in public and private investments in large-scale CCS projects.

Investments in major carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) projects could reflect the incentives provided by the Canadian government, including carbon pricing and direct subsides for major CCUS projects, like the Alberta Carbon Trunk Line.

All major investments in carbon capture have been in Alberta (large oil and gas resources) and Saskatchewan (coal industry). CCUS allows these industries to produce power or petroleum products while sequestering much of the CO2 emissions.

Major projects already in operation in Canada include:


Shell Quest CCS at Scotford Upgrader - Learn more

Sturgeon Refinery CCS - Learn more

The Alberta Carbon Trunk Line - Learn more


Boundary Dam Coal Power Plant

Learn more

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