April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Andrzej Czulak

Andrzej Czulak


Polish Composite Technology Cluster
Andrzej Czulak PhD, is the President, Polish Composite Technology Cluster, and President of Malopolska Centre for Innovative Hydrogen Storage and Transport Technologies Sp. z o.o. (MCH2), has over 20 years of experience in the composite technology industry. He focused on designing manufacturing technologies of structures for hydrogen transport and storage as a researcher at the Technische Universität Dresden, Institute fur Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, and as a managing director in Polish and German companies in the composite materials industry. Founder and President in 2016 of the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies (Polski Klaster Technologii Kompozytowych), which brings together 100 companies and institutions, and which was awarded the status of National Key Cluster in 2021. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Committee on Materials Engineering and Metallurgy and the Malopolska Innovation Council.
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