April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Pavel-Casian Nițulescu

Pavel-Casian Nițulescu

Secretary of State

Ministry of Energy, Romania
Mr. Pavel-Casian Nițulescu has a vast professional experience accumulated since 1997 as a work formation leader engineer at the Petrila Coal Preparation Plant, a branch of Compania Nationala a Huilei S.A. From 2003 to 2007, he was the Head of the industrial railway transport sector within the Valea Jiului Coal Exploitation, the final beneficiaries being Electrocentrale Mintia and Electrocentrale Paroseni. From 2007 to 2015, he was Head of Section in Valea Jiului Coal Preparation. The activity carried out was providing services for the Lonea, Petrila, Livezeni, Vulcan, Aninoasa, Paroseni, Lupeni and Uricani mining operations. From 2015 to 2017, he served as Head of the Prestserv Petroșani Department within the Hunedoara Energy Complex, having commercial, maintenance, rescue and transport duties for the same mining operations. From 2021 to 2022, he was Director of the Prestserv Petroșani Branch within CE Hunedoara. From 2022, until now, he holds the position of State Secretary within the Ministry of Energy, having under direct coordination the Energy Efficiency Directorate, the General of Electricity and Natural Gas Markets, Efficiency and Risks Directorate, the relationship with the Romanian Parliament, the relationship with employers, the relationship with the unions, being at the same time the President of the Social Dialogue Commission, President of the National Investment Plan commission, President of the Working Group on the Decarbonization of the National Energy System. He is also an appointed member of many interministerial committees, including the committee on Corporate Governance and Reform 9 of the National Recovery And Resilience Plan (NRRP). Mr. Nițulescu has a MSc degree from the Petrosani Technical University, a law degree from the Titu Maiorescu Law University of Bucharest and is also a graduate of the National Defense College, class of 2023.
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