April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Shannon Halliday

Shannon Halliday

Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Shannon has 20 years' experience in the fields of business development, marketing, and government relations with a focus on clean energy and technology. Shannon’s passion for sustainability has led to a career in both the public and private sectors. She opened a trade office for the Government of Quebec in Vancouver and was the West Coast representative for Natural Resources Canada’s energy sector, focusing primarily on hydrogen, fuel cells, and transportation technologies. She led business development activities while at Instream Energy Systems and Powertech Labs and represented Canada on the UC Davis Transportation Studies Advisory Board and the International Energy Agency’s Hydrogen Working Group. For two years, Shannon served as Vice Chair of Hydrogène Québec. At HTEC, Shannon is responsible for the commercial team, including business development, government relations, and communications. Shannon was featured in the "Women Leading Cleantech" 2022 by Foresight Canada. She was also named one of the most inspiring leaders in “Women in Energy Transformation Series” 2022, an initiative by Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE), GLOBE Series and Pembina Institute.
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