April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Gregory Vezina

Gregory Vezina


Hydrofuel Canada Inc.

President and CEO of Hydrofuel Canada Inc. Founded Hydrofuel Canada Inc. in 2011 and its predecessor Canadian Alternative Energy Corporation (CAEC) in 1980. In 1981, Greg drove an ammonia-powered Chevrolet Impala across Canada from Edmonton to Toronto via Ottawa and Montreal, arriving on Parliament Hill for a press conference on Nov. 5, 1981, organized by then Governor General Ed Schreyer, where then Energy Minister, Marc Lalonde, drove the car for the media. Greg has focused on building a technology development company that specializes in ammonia and hydrogen generation as well as ammonia fueling technologies for internal combustion engines including heavy duty vehicles and stationary engines. The company has licensed a patented Micro Ammonia Production System technology from Georgia Tech with commercial scale development near completion at Colorado State, and is developing and patenting more than a dozen photochemical technologies with the University of Toronto. He has founded and sold several companies in the advertising, marketing, media, polling and technology sectors.


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