April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Matthew Slotwinski

Matthew Slotwinski


Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership

Matthew Slotwinski is the CEO with the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership, where he leads a team of economic development officers focused on investment and workforce attraction, retention and expansion initiatives associated with Sarnia-Lambton’s core industrial sectors. Matthew has helped the Sarnia-Lambton Hybrid Chemistry Cluster, the Ontario’s Hydrogen Hub in Sarnia-Lambton, and the Sarnia-Lambton Energy & Chemistry Cluster gain international recognition, attracting new investment and employment to the Sarnia-Lambton area. Matthew is dedicated to seeing the advancement of the clean, green, and sustainable chemistry industry to Sarnia-Lambton, with a focus on the transition to low-carbon hydrogen and net-zero. Matthew was previously named one of North America’s Top 50 Economic Developers (2021) by Consultant Connect.


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