April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Morgan Rodwell

Morgan Rodwell

Executive Director, Process Technology

Fluor Canada

Morgan Rodwell is Executive Director of Process Technology with Fluor Canada Ltd.  He has over 30 years of industry experience, primarily in the engineering and construction business.  He has worked on projects from small revamps to megaprojects, from the very conceptual phase through supporting operations and even to investigating serious safety incidents and rebuild projects.  His experience spans oil and gas production, midstream processing, upgrading and refining, petrochemical production from basic building blocks such as ammonia through to nylon yarn spinning, and lithium recovery from brines.  In energy transition, he has spent a number of years evaluating and design carbon capture, carbon utilization, CO₂ mineralization, hydrogen production via various routes, energy storage and other energy efficiency scopes. He brings a pragmatic and realistic assessment of the challenges new technologies and projects face while understanding the economic and societal impacts. In 2025 he was named a Fellow of the Energy Futures Lab. He is a professional engineer registered in Alberta and British Columbia.


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