April 22: Site Tours | April 23-24: Exhibition & Conference

Edmonton Convention Centre - Edmonton, Canada

Pat Hufnagel-Smith

Pat Hufnagel-Smith


Creative Links Inc.

Pat has over 20 years of consulting experience focused on the social factors related to energy development. She specializes in offering insights into the dynamics of Canada’s evolving energy industry and its impacts on workforce requirements. Two areas Pat is most passionate about are: effectively transitioning skilled and experienced energy workers as we build a sustainable energy system, and developing evidence-based strategies to ensure communities share in the long-term benefits and value that accompany energy development.

Specific to hydrogen, Pat authored Assessing Workforce Requirement to Advance Canada’s Hydrogen Economy report and the Hydrogen Workforce Assessment Tool for The Transition Accelerator, and the B.C. Hydrogen Labour Market and Skills Analysis and Hydrogen Workforce Capacity-building Strategy and Action Plan. Pat’s work has informed hydrogen workforce development in Canada, Scotland, South Africa and the US.


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